The vast majority of people agree that breastfeeding is the best decision parents can make when it comes to feeding their baby. Each mother generates a fluid that has been formed from each baby´s individual needs that is the reason why breast milk is the healthiest and most nutritious food that exists.
How Long Does Breast Milk Last In The Freezer?
Breastmilk is undoubtedly the best you can give your baby in the early months in the form of nutrition. Research has proven that babies who are exclusively breastfed till six months of age have better immunity and a healthy weight gain. Doctors even recommend breastfeeding to be continued beyond six months supplemented by weaning foods. But, when mothers cannot be available with the baby due to work or other commitments, stored breastmilk comes to the rescue. In such cases, storage of breastmilk is a good option so that the nutrition is not compromised upon.
Baby Oatmeal vs Rice Cereal: What’s The Difference And When To Start?
A common question among many new moms is “when to start giving rice cereal to baby?” Although some parents have claimed that a little rice cereal or baby oatmeal in their baby’s bottle have helped their newborn sleep better, the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly encourages moms to only introduce these solid foods when their baby is between four and six months of age. When your baby is younger than four months, he/she should only be fed breast milk or formula as both are much more nutritious for babies at this age. As your baby’s body starts to develop, he/she will be able to easily digest solid food. Before your infant reaches four months of age, you should know the main differences between baby oatmeal and rice cereal.
Why Do Babies Spit Up So Much And How To Prevent It
A major part of parenting an infant is feeding and cleaning up after them. So, it’s quite common to see new parents maintaining a healthy stock of wipes with them at all times. And quite a lot of these wipes come in handy when the baby spits up, especially after feeding. Some babies spit up less than the others, but all parents at some point of time find themselves wondering – why do babies spit up?
Bumbo vs Boppy vs FP Sit Me Up vs Ingenuity: What is the Best Baby Chair?
playing is a great way to free our hands, and keep baby happy. Finding a great seat for your little one is an important task. Here are the set-ups, pros, and cons for four of the most popular models on the market today.
Best Nusing Pillow 2020: My Brest Friend vs Boppy vs Mombo
Nursing pillows are a versatile and much-loved addition to your baby gear collection. There will be few items that get as much use as your nursing pillow. Given how much use your nursing pillow will get, let’s give some thought to what you want out of one. Below we are going to compare and rank some of the top nursing pillow brands so you can decide which is right for you.